Monday, January 6, 2014

Starting Here.

Today I sit down, heavy with the insecurity of my current state.  I, like many people this time of year, have drained myself financially, not to mention losing sight of my weight loss goals.  There has been a complete "let-go" of my needs this past month.  As much as I know I can concur and overcome, I also know myself well enough to know that when I feel this way I tend to give in to my fleeting desires of destruction.

But here's what I've learned, through self-reflection and understanding my modes of being, I can change.  It is through re-examining the difficulties of life that I am able to adjust my actions.  I can start where I am today.

So where am I?  I am financially in debt, I am morbidly obese, and I am not in my best mental shape.  I know that by working on item two, item three will continuously get better.  But item one is ingrained in me.  I need to teach myself how to be fiscally responsible.  I am on a good start by looking at my accounts and getting everything up-to-date along with having savings goals (debt free and another European sojourn).

There are things in life to look forward to, and while I sit in heavy uncertainty sometimes, I also know I can do amazing things if I just start where I am today and move forward.  I will fall time and time again, but nonetheless I will succeed and overcome.  I WILL CONCUR!

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