Sunday, May 4, 2014

Truth Be Told

I am a stranger.  Even when I try to be honest with others, I still become a stranger.  The moment you get too close, I pull away.  Many have put in time and effort; years of love, acceptance, encouragement, and reassurance.  To those select few, allowance of portions of honest truth have been rendered.

Those in which I love dearly and have allowed that exchanged intimacy have been branded in my heart as worthy of my loyalties.  But there's still one that I hold at arms lengths; Him.

Whilst I know in my head that I am ever loved, my heart is determined to run and hide from this monstrous, beautiful kind of love.  I know I have been granted forgiveness, but sometimes my heart encases itself with a brick wall and denies; just one of my many defense mechanisms.

Truth be told, I am terrified to let you all love me.  I fearful be being hurt and hurting you.  But He calls us to love and submit to one another and I am making an effort to start this action.  I must humble myself before you, my loved ones.

"Listen, daughter;" it's as if He is requesting this.  My words are to be minimized, and my voice spoken in silence.  Humble and listen; humble and listen.

Good night dearests.  

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